Monday, July 9, 2018

God Don't Make No Junk!

One thing I have noticed in recent years is that everyone seems younger.  So many of the old guys I used to admire are gone as are some of those who were age peers in ministry.  When I look at the names of the people who are serving some of the churches I used to serve, I wonder who they are and from whence they came.  Another thing I noticed after retirement became a way of life was the way the denomination in which I pastored has just kept right on ticking without me.  This was no surprise as I had noticed the same thing with every church I pastored and left over the years.  Indispensable I an not.
Still, I remember something I heard so long ago about the value of each one of us.  This unforgettable word of wisdom came in the form of a rather trite but memorable saying which said, "God don't make no junk!"  (Forgive me for the bad English, but it does make the point.)  We sometimes forget this truth about ourselves and everyone else.  There are times when we feel worthless and there are times when someone might say something that would seem to invalidate our value and worth.  But, the truth is we are always important in the eyes of God.  He never ceases having a use for any of us.  It may be something which has disappeared from our eyes for a time, but it is always true that we are important persons in the eyes of God.
Nothing proves our value and worth so much as Jesus dying on the cross.  It was not for junk that Jesus died, but for folks like you and me who were created by God, who are being daily sustained by God, and for whom God has plans which include eternity.  When we remember we are loved by God and always have been, we will be able to turn a deaf ear to those who would undermind our own sense of value and worth.  "God don't make no junk!"  He made you and me.  Not junk.

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