Friday, July 6, 2018

Pressing On

Life really is about the journey and not the destination.  It is more like a messy process than something which adds up and makes sense.  It seems that there are always more questions than answers.  There was a time when it seemed that life was more orderly, maybe even more predictable, but in these years which have stretched into seven decades, getting there has ceased to be a goal.  To borrow a phrase Paul used in writing to the Philippians, life seems to be about straining forward to what lies ahead.  Life is about pressing on.  (Philippians 3:13-14)
There are days when pressing on seems to be the only thing which really makes any sense.  But, pressing on as one who walks into a brick wall only to get up and do the same thing again is not exactly what I think about when I pull out this image of pressing on.  Instead it is the image of one who has caught a glimpse of Jesus ahead on the road and will not cease going forward lest He disappears in the distance.  I live with a conviction that Christ is in control.  I live believing that He knows what is ahead and where the road leads.  I am convinced that He is able to see farther up the road than I can as I plod along behind Him. 
So, I will press on.  I will not quit even though it might make more sense to go another way.  I will not forsake the road on which I have walked all my life.  It is the road which has enabled me to live with a sense that my trip through this life is counting for something greater than it would had I walked another way.  It is the road which is paved with His footprints which are sometimes hard to see because of the markings of so many who have walked behind Him, but ahead of me.  I know I am not alone on this road.  It is the road of faith.  It is the road that will finally take me home. 

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