Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Edge of the Darkness

A long, long time ago the Apostle Paul, a man who suffered countless troubles and endured untold persecution, sat down and wrote for the ages, " thanks to God the Father at all times and for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."  (Ephesians 5:20)  We read those words with either wonder or skepticism.  Most of us wonder if such is really possible.  How can anyone live through some of the horrible things thrust upon them and still be thankful?  And, if someone appears to be living in such a way, we wonder if it is not just some kind of stoic act. 
What must be understood about the Word of God is that it does not direct us toward a life that is impossible.  It may not be possible if we are depending solely on our own strength and will power, but surely it is something attainable as we learn to live depending on the Holy Spirit.  One thing is certain.  Most of us need some practice in this particular aspect of the gratitude discipline.  As we begin it might be a good thing to look not at the horrible thing visited upon us or someone we love, but to look at the edges.  In other words, do not look directly into the darkness that is surrounding you or your loved one, but look toward the edges.  Maybe this is where being thankful at all times and in everything begins. 
It is on the edges of the darkness that we begin to see the caregivers, the ones who are choosing to stand alongside, the helpers, the ones who will not quit, the ones who give the gift of compassion, and the ones who are praying.  As we start looking at the darkness in such a way, we start seeing the things for which we can with integrity be thankful.  Some sufferers come to a place where they name their darkness and declare their thanksgiving to God for it.  As we see them, we are truly amazed and inspired.  Maybe we are not at that place yet, but as we start looking toward the edges of the darkness we are moving in the direction of an even greater gratitude. 

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