Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A New Thing

It is interesting that we do not stay the same.  Though most of us seek to avoid change like we would a rattlesnake, it constantly shows up always taking us from where we were to where we are.  Fortunately, a part of that change often involves a greater tolerance, or understanding of others and a spirit that is not quite so judgmental.  Not even our belief system, or our theology, is exempt from the inevitability of change.  In earlier years I had very little use for angels and any writings about them and now I find myself both interested and intrigued. 
Is it not interesting how we often discredit certain things about our faith simply because we have not experienced it?  For example, when we have not seen or experienced a healing which can only be explained as an act of God, we are likely to be one who does not believe in divine healing.  We become one of those who takes such a possibility out of the hands of God and puts it solely in the hands of doctors.  More recently I find myself wondering if I have not done a similar thing over the years in terms of being open to the unseen presence of angels and their ministries in the name of God.
Certainly, the Scripture we read during these Christmas days presents a picture of angels all over the stage of human experience.  And, then I think, how many times I have I sung songs like "Hark, the Heralds Angels Sing."   Was I singing something I did not really think was inside the realm of reality?  While I still have my questions about these heavenly representatives of God, it seems that it is impossible to ignore them, or dismiss them if I am truly going to take the Word of God seriously.  Maybe there is something more important here than what I think.  Maybe what the Word of God is saying is actually more important.  Wow!  There is an idea!

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