Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday, Not Wasted

The last Wednesday of Jesus' time on this earth in the flesh was a lot different than the other days of that final week.  Sunday was filled with an excited crowd ready to make Him a king, Monday was a day of upheaval in the Temple, Thursday was the day of getting last things done, and Friday, of course, was the cross.  In contrast to all of these days and their drama, Wednesday was a quiet day spent outside of the city where the storm against Him was only intensifying.  Bethany seems to be the place where He rested and waited in a stillness not yet felt that week.  No drama in Bethany.  No antagonist.  No battles to fight.  Just quietness.  A moment to share with the Presence which directed Him.
When life seems to be throwing things at us and life is raging out of control, the last thing we think we should be doing is nothing.  In such moments we operate with the premise that something, anything, is better than doing nothing.  But, then what seems to be nothing to the folks who regard hurried frenzied activity as the norm is really something.  Doing what seems to be nothing is not always wasting time.  In fact, it may be the most productive and powerful thing we can do.  Such is always true if what appears to be nothing is actually being in the presence of God.
The Martha people go crazy when someone chooses to sit quietly in the presence of God.  Staying busy is their mantra and they want everyone to embrace it.  Being in the Presence looks too much like doing nothing for them.  However, it is the best of time for each one of us.  It prepares us for all that is before us because we have been with the One who knows what is ahead and who is also ready to get us ready for it.  No wasted time in such a moment.

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