Sunday, October 13, 2024

Frogs in Church

It happened in the children's sermon this morning.  Those things can be the ruin of many a well prepared adult.  On any given Sunday the whole group can conspire against the leader and take control.  Actually, it only takes one child to accomplish the takeover.  I know.  I have had it happen too many times to count.  This morning's group of children had more energy than could be contained on the front pew on which they sat.  No one was shy.  Everyone was eager to talk.  The leader said something about God being present and one of the kids pointed toward the window and said what I thought was "There is God."  He grabbed my attention and then when he spoke again I realized he really said, "There is a frog!"   

He was right.  There was a little green frog in the window.  Actually, there was another one on the piano beside the window so we had about 50 people present and two frogs.  I was reminded immediately of my pastorate in Talbotton.  Between the ceiling of the sanctuary and the roof of the church were bats.  Every evening a watcher could count a multitude leaving and on most Sunday mornings, there were at least two or three hanging upside down from the ceiling of the church.  If one of those bats so much as looked like it was going to move, there was an immediate collective loss of attention among the congregation and the preacher.  

I am not sure why the frogs showed up for worship this morning, but I did notice someone collected them and took them outdoors.  I was glad they got back outside where they belonged.  They, too, bore the imprint of the Creator in a way different than those of who came to sit in pews and stand in the pulpit.  I am grateful the frogs were put back on the road home which is what I was preaching about this morning as I lifted up the Scripture which says, "...they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one..." (Hebrews 11:16) and our  faith journey which leads us Home.

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