Monday, October 14, 2024

Created for Love

Our society is so full of animosity and division.  More and more it seems that we live in an "us and them" world.  We pay too much attention to the things that make us different at the expense of noting those thing which make us brothers and sisters.  What we find easy to forget is that we were not created for animosity, hatred, resentments, and unforgiving spirits, but for love.  We were created out of love and we find our purpose most completely when we affirm that we are also created for loving.  Loving is the most important thing we are called to do in life as a believer in Jesus Christ.    

Jesus made it clear as He said to a questioning Pharisee, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment."  (Matthew 22:38). No act of service to someone around us is more important than our loving God.  After speaking this Word, He went on to add another Word to what He was saying, "And a second is like it.  You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  (Matthew 22:39). One other Word which underscores this teaching is found in I John 4:7, "Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God."     

We live best when we affirm that love is woven into the fabric of our soul when we are inside our mother's womb and then accept the calling to love as one who gives loves to whoever it is that God puts on the path to share the journey with us. If we wonder who we are, it only needs to be said that we were created out of divine love and from that divine love, we are to love one another.  For those who are serious about following Christ, there is no place for any spirit except the spirit of love.  We are to love those who love us and those who show no signs of loving us.  What someone else decides to do is unimportant.  As those created with the love of God, we have no option but to love.

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