Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Destined for Home

When I first started my faith journey with Jesus, I did not think much, if any, about the destination.  Of course, as we have heard and said many times, it is not the destination, but the journey that is important. As we say this, we are attempting to slow down our hurried pace so we can pay attention to where we are in the moment.  It is true.  We do live in such a hurry and we do need to slow ourselves down on our way to the grave.  But, in the context of our spiritual journey with Christ, there is a bit more to be considered.  We do need to pay attention to the present, but we also need to know we are destined for our heavenly Home.    

When we read deep into the book of Hebrews, we find in the 11th chapter verses which speak of the journey of the saints by saying, "They confessed that they were strangers and foreigners on the earth...they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one."  (Hebrews 11:13-16).  Though we may not think much about the destination of our faith journey as it gets started, it is still out there for us and as we find ourselves living closer to the western sky than the eastern one, heaven starts coming into view in a way it was not in the beginning.  It is not that we become heaven obsessed people, but that we start seeing the whole of the journey more completely.  

The truth is we are destined for this Home.  We are conceived in the womb with this longing in our soul.  Life is a wonderful gift from God, but as the Spirit's influence grows greater and greater in us, we begin to know a hope of a greater joy than we have ever experienced or imagined.  It is a natural thing as signs of the journey's end start appearing more clearly to grasp even tighter the eternal Hand that has always been reaching out toward us and with the deepest gratitude prepare to receive the final gift of grace which is our eternal Home.

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