Friday, December 29, 2023

Old and Worn Out

A late afternoon tractor trip to the pasture with a bale of hay created a moment for seeing the pecan trees which line one side of the domain of the cows.  Oh, I have seen those trees a thousand times, picked up several thousand fallen limbs from under the spreading canopies, and even been blessed with harvesting some pecans every now and again.  In the Spring life stirs among them as green buds start to appear, by summer the trees are full of green leaves and crop of nuts has set.  Then comes the season of falling leaves and dropping pecans which finally leaves the trees as they are today, barren skeletons stretching upward in the sky against a fading gray sky.    

When compared to the other seasons, this day's view might seem to be a bit drab, but it was a kind of beauty that was spellbinding and encouraged me to sit idle on the tractor for a few moments as the picture of creation faded into darkness.  I love what God does with worn out trees that have run their course and show more sign of being spent than useful.  I love the barrenness of the outstretched limbs.  Everything about the afternoon picture seemed empty of life, but there is something in the soil, there is something within the tree, there is something stirring in deep invisible places that is full of mystery.  

Those old worn out trees which are in some cases a hundred years old may look spent and used up, but one day a power will take hold of them to bring forth new life, new foliage, a new crop, and new hope. I am grateful for what God does with these old worn out trees and grateful, too, to know that as He makes the old trees useful so does He make you and me.  

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