Sunday, August 27, 2023

Life's Not Snake Proof

Most of the chicken houses around here are not architectural wonders.  The only amazing thing about most of them is that they continue to stand up!  Instead of going to the farm supply store and buying one of those painted trendy chicken houses that has every convenience except air conditioning, most folks around these parts opt for dragging out scrap lumber from other projects and putting together a house that is more about being functional than pleasing to the eye.  Most of them are like mine.  They are not air tight, nor are they snake proof.    

More than a few times I have raised the panel over the nesting box and found a black snake curled up on top of my egg stash.  It is one of those moments which gives you a quick cardiac check up.  After a few such experiences you learn to look before you reach.  It is kinda like life.  We may think we know what is just ahead of us and just beyond what we can see, but every now and again we run into some surprise which jolts us and causes us to come to terms with the fact it is always best to pay attention to what is right there in the present moment.  As Jesus said, there is no need to worry about tomorrow when you have today.

The only One who really knows what is waiting on us in the life we live is the God of the past, the God of the present, and the God of the future.  What I often have been told in some recent days which have been filled with more than just a little difficutly is that God knows what is out there ahead of us and that He has a plan which is at this point unknown.  The important word in all this spiritual help is that it speaks of the assurance that we are not alone.  We are not forsaken.  And, that God knows about the surprises which are hanging out there beyond the abilitiy to see them.  

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