Saturday, June 17, 2023

Today's Story

Each day has its own story to tell.  And even though we are the one writing it and even though it is in a sense our own story, we have little literary input.  In other words we do not know which direction the story line will go even as we do not know what tale the last chapter will tell.  We may think we know as the day begins for some of us are meticulous planners, but the story the day tells is up to God.  He is the One who has created us, He is the One whose light and strength sends us out each day, and He is the One who knows even before it is writtten the story our life will tell today.   

It is best to live softly.  It is best to live without demanding that the imprint of our ego be on everything we touch.  It is best to be there in the story being written each day, but to be there as one not really requiring to be seen under the spotlight.  It is best to rise each day with a sense of wonder at what God might be about with our life in the day that is about to unfold.  It is best to be willingly adrift in that river which flows filled with the plan of God.    

Those who live best among us are those who live in abandonment.  They live without such an attachment to their life that they cannot give it up.  Their lives hold them, but they do not hold too tightly to their lives.  Life is not something to be possessed, but something to be given as a gift back to God.  These are surely the ones among us who have learned the joy of living within the Word of Jesus who said, " not worry about your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink, or about your body what you will wear."  (Matthew 6:25)

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