Saturday, October 8, 2022

The New Ruler

The one thing not really needed to understand, or even interpret, the dreams which come to us is a book from the book store which is filled with explanations for the things we see in our dream life.  The first thing needed to begin to understand our dreams is a willingness to pay attention.  What is often discovered as we begin to do this is the the fact that some things reoccur in different dreams.  There was a time when all the dream action of my dreams took place in a huge rambling house.  It took me awhile to figure it out, but one day it came.    

The truth is each one of us has a different set of experiences for understanding our dreams.  They are the experiences God has given us through the course of the day.  As we dream some of those experiences begin to come forth in a new light.  Sometimes that new light might be understood as the illuminating shining light of the Spirit as He seeks to help us see the way forward, or to resolve some conflict which is plaguing us.    

There is no verse in Scripture which tells us that God's guidance is limited to our waking hours.  Actually, the hours we sleep are moments when the filters are mostly removed and things are seen more clearly even though they may be disguised by unusual looking situations and people who are not really a part of those situations.  During the day the conscious mind is in charge.  As we dream the sub-conscious mind pushes the conscious mind off the throne as if to say, "Let me figure on it awhile."  The One who may actually be doing the night time figuring is the Holy Spirit as He seeks to work out stuff for us even when there is no awareness it is happening.  The Spirit can be trusted.

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