Monday, October 3, 2022

A Blaze of Glory

I should not be surprised anymore, but it still happens some evenings.  The story of the beginning in Genesis says, "They (Adam and Eve) heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze..."  (Genesis 3:8)  While it may well be true that the Lord God showed up in the evening to visit with the couple in the garden, I imagine He also showed up because He wanted to see the sunset He had made for that day.  Everyone likes a good sunset and surely such is true of the Creator as well.    

Tonight just before dark while walking around I commented to myself that there was not much of a sunset to see and then as I turned and headed back toward the house, I saw a blaze of glory where the sun would rise the next morning.  The setting sun which did not show up as spectacular did a number on the tops of the trees on the eastern horizon.  A literal blaze of glory is the only word I know to describe the wonder of what was there to behold.  As quick as it was there, it was gone.  Before I reached the house, the glory had faded and had become only a memory of how God's glory is constantly being revealed to those of us who take the time to see.    

I wish I had a bigger storehouse of the moments God's glory has been revealed to me.  Too many times I was too busy to see.  Hurried is what I have been for too many years, but lately slowing down a bit due to age and retirement has enabled me to see what has always been there to see, but missed because of a lifestyle which did not allow for the stillness and the glory which is within it.  Like the glory of the setting sun in the tree tops of the eastern sky, so it is with us constantly.  The glory of God is always out there to see, but only for a moment.  Now you see it and now you don't.  I regret I spent too much time on the now you don't mode.  

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