Monday, October 17, 2022

Monday Thoughts

Monday has a bad rap.  It is the day that ends the weekend.  It is like the bell that signals the end of recess and announces that it is time to return to class.  Most folks only want to see Monday because it means that there is another weekend coming even if it is down the road a piece.  When I was at Asbury College back in another life time, Monday was a no class day.  Classes met from Tuesday to Saturday noon.  I suppose it was a way to keep students on campus through the weekend.  There was even a required Saturday morning chapel at 8:00 am.  But, no classes on Monday!     

Of course the calendar is a human creation designed to make life a bit more orderly.  When God did His creation work, He did not label the days.  The word does note the passing of days as they are numbered, but the naming of the days was an idea created by one of His creations and not Him.  Imagine for a moment a world without a calendar.  The truth is that one is not required to know that time is moving along.  In the scheme of things a calendar is a a relatively new creation.  Long before one was brought into being, folks paid attention to the creation.  Seasons were noted by what was observed and what was observed over time gave an order to the life that was being lived.  

Some years ago while I was still working, my watch quit working and so I took it off and never replaced it.  The watch spot on my arm remains uncovered.  I cannot tell that it diminished my life any at all.  If anything it has made me more conscious to the way the creation is unfolding in the days that is upon me.  Maybe this paying attention speaks more to the divine intention than the watch watching we do.  At the end of this Monday, I sure hope this is true.  

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