Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sabbath Musing

Sundays are not what they used to be.  Sundays gone by were filled with work.  Sundays in the present are filled more with rest.  Back then it was hardly a day empty of work, but one filled with more than could be done in a day.  Now not much work gets done now when the Sunday sunrise rises.  Oh, there are things that need doing and get done.  There are some things which get done such as taking care of the needs of the animals and slipping around in the garden pulling a few weeds when God is looking in the other direction.  Overall, Sunday is more a day of rest now that I am out of the pulpit.     

Of course, I could have always done the Sabbath thing on another day back then, but to be honest is to confess it was something talked more about than practiced.  Work and getting ahead can be as addictive as anything we let control our lives.  This is not to say I have this Sabbath business all figured out now that I have retired and taken up life on the farm.  The further I go along the more it seems that keeping Sabbath is not so much external as it is internal.   

Keeping the Sabbath reminds us that life has a rhythm between work and rest.  Maybe balance is a better word.  It also reminds us that doing something to remind ourselves that it is not all about us is a good thing.  It is helpful for the ego and the soul.  What has been impressed upon me more recently is that every day is holy, but there is still that word which says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.  And, thus, in the final analysis, it is not a Word to be ignored. 

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