Thursday, September 15, 2022

Hen Lessons

Five hens share the farm with us, the eleven cows, and the many unseen critters that roam about.  As I often say to those who come to wander around, "Remember this is the country, be aware of where you are going."  There  is always the possibility of a snake in the tall grass, or on occasions an armadillo has been seen rooting around in the dirt, and of course, there are opossums playing possum, and way too many deer afoot.  

The five hens not only live here, but they also contribute to life here by laying eggs.  They form their own small community that is centered around a fenced enclosed hen house and yard.  In the evenings the gate is open and they are free to roam and scratch.  But, as darkness begins to settle on the land, they instinctively go back to the enclosed yard, go inside the house, and get perched on the roost.  About the same time I make one more trip to the hen house and close the gate giving them protection during the night from any critter that might want a late night chicken dinner.    

I do everything I can to provide them a safe place, make sure they have plenty of food and water, and let them know as I gather the eggs that I appreciate what they do.  It is a good thing to have someone to watch over us.  Every day I am aware that wherever I go, I go inside the care and protection of the Father in heaven who watches over me, cares for me, provides what I need, and offers the encouraging word.  The Word assures us that the Father in heaven is concerned about the tiny sparrow and so the hens of the world as well and, therefore, He is surely looking out after each one of us.  In the harrowing moments when harm comes dangerously close it is easy to see, but what is true then remains true even in moments as ordinary as those when the hens go scratching in the late evening when the sun is slipping away.  

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