Sunday, July 3, 2022

Trying to Sing

When I was pushing through those adolescent years, I enjoyed singing.  The only problem was that I was not much of a singer.  When I sang, I wandered around from one octave to another trying to find a singing voice.  Not much has changed in these years of singing.  My love for singing stemmed from being in church Sunday after Sunday.  Maybe church is where everyone, well, not everyone, learns to sing.  And, of course, in my case, the word "try" is more operative than the word "learn."  I reckon my singing is still more about trying.    

While the church has been the training ground for a lot of good singers, it was a place where I was exposed to songs and hymns which just got stuck in my mind and heart to be sung for a life time.  A few days ago as I was reading, I came across a reference to one of those songs which is titled, "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."   I have sung it hundreds of times, but never knew it was based on Deuteronomy 33:27 which says, "The eternal God is thy refuge; and underneath are the everlasting arms...."  So many of these old songs are based on some scriptural reference, or a life experience in someone's journey of faith which may be why they resonate in the heart after such long stretches of time.  

I often wonder about the music of today's church.  Most of the old hymns that I learned have been replaced by a more modern style of singing which seems based on the religious hit parade of the week.  The songs are sung today and the church moves on to the newer tomorrow.  It seems that there is no time for the years to plant them in the heart.  Somehow this seems to be a loss.  I cannot help but wonder sometimes what the young of today will be singing when they get old and run into those knock-you-off-your-feet moments.  I hope they will have some music lingering in their hearts as does this old guy who spent a lot of time trying to sing in church.

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