Thursday, July 28, 2022

Every Moment

Every day is special.  Every day is unique.  Every day is something which has never before been a part of our lives.  It is also true that every day is a day in which God reveals Himself to us.  It is a day in which He will speak to those who have ears to hear and a spirit that is open to holy expectations.  In the gospel we hear Jesus promising to always be with us.  It is a promise which is not good for some days, but all days.  Yet, we often go around as if He must be sought, or is only going to be present with us in the set aside moments of our day.   

Again, every day is a day in which He reveals Himself to us and in which His voice can be heard.  And to carry the truth a little farther is to realize that it is not just every day, but any moment within any day that has within it the possibility of such holy presence and revelation.  Too many of us live with such low expectations when it comes to experiencing the holy.  The holy is not just experienced on Sunday in worship, or in the moments we set aside for daily devotions, or when we are involved in some spiritual act of devotion or service.       

Imagine for a moment how different our lives would be if we actually were not surprised when God suddenly showed up in the midst of our circumstances.  Imagine for a moment a day in which we hear ourselves conversing with the Holy One who is present with us even as we might converse with the person who is physically present with us throughout most of the day.  Is it possible for us to accept by faith the promise of the One who promised always to be with us and then to give that faith life by actually living as one who abides in an intimate relationship with the Holy One who first breathed life int us?     

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