Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Daily Walk

There is nothing wrong with having a set time for devotions which is, of course, a time dedicated to being in the presence of God.   Most of us include in that practice such disciplines as reading the Scripture, a daily devotional guide, prayer which involves speaking those things which are in our hearts and for some listening in silence for the voice of God.  It is something which has been practiced by most of us to some degree or another throughout the years of walking the road of faith in Christ.  We frequently speak of our devotional time as our time with the Lord.    

And while the set aside time should never be thrown by the wayside as unimportant, it is also true that our time with the Lord is not limited to a set aside period of time which is counted on the clock.  One of the things which has been slowly learned in these last years is that God is not limited to a specific disciplinary hour, but that He is likely to reveal Himself and speak to us at any moment of the day of night.  Every moment is actually our time with the Lord.  He is always present, always eager to speak to us, and is in everything and everyone around us.  

There is no place we can go where His presence cannot be experienced.    So much of this awareness of holy presence has to do with our sense of expectation and the degree to which we are paying attention to where we are, who is with us, and what is going on around us in the present moment.  If we are worrying over the past, or constantly looking ahead then we are likely to miss what God is seeking to do and say to us in the present moment of our life which is the only one guaranteed to us.  The time we set aside for God in our devotional moment is a treasured time, but it must never take the place of keeping our eyes and ears open for the Holy One who is walking alongside of us.  

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