Saturday, May 21, 2022

Eyes Wide Open Prayer

As the first three gospel writers unfold their story about Jesus, they take us from the baptismal waters of the Jordan River to the dry arid sand of the wilderness.  One place is about affirmation; the other is about temptation.  What makes the moment of transition so compelling is the way each of the three gospel writers speaks about the holy push that sent Jesus on His way.  Matthew says, "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted...."  (Matthew 4:1).  Mark says, "And the Spirit immediately drove Him out into the wilderness."  (Mark 1:12)  And finally, Luke says, "Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit,returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days He was tempted by the devil."  (Luke 4:1)    

Unlike us Jesus probably did not go kicking and screaming, hollering about deserving something better.  But, it does seem apparent that going into the wilderness fora  season of temptation might not have been on His mind as He stood up dripping wet with the waters of baptism.  Going was not so much about Him and His desires as it seems to be about the plans and purposes of the Holy Spirit.  He was not led down some garden path filled with the fragrance of roses, but down a hard road where everything could be lost in the time it took to make one bad decision.    

It goes without saying that we expect better of the Holy Spirit.  When we pray and ask for the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, we are usually thinking about a way that will take us away from the hard path we might be walking,   Few of us would consider that submission to the will of the Spirit might take us into some life situation which will test our faith beyond measure.  When we pray, let us pray with our eyes wide open!

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