Monday, February 14, 2022

Not Privileged, but Blessed

As I remember my choices for college long years ago, I know some might say I was privileged.  Young Harris College and Asbury College were places I attended and both were private institutions.  This, of course, meant they were more expensive than a state funded school.  I never thought to much about the cost in those days, but as I have gotten older I am amazed that my parents made a way for me to attend these schools when it could have been a whole lot easier to go somewhere else.  To grow up in a Methodist parsonage in those days was not a formula for financial prosperity.  But, their frugality and faithfulness, my working, and the blessing of God made it happen.      

I was not then a privileged person, but as I have been all my life, a blessed person.  Both of the colleges I attended were chosen because it seemed to me at that point in my faith journey to be the leading and direction of God for my life.  Perhaps, that statement seems too bold and mostly an outrageous view of the way God leads, but I will hold to it, nonetheless.  One of the things we often underestimate is the provision of God.  One thing He always does when He calls and leads is to make a way to go the way He leads.     

This is not to say that divine provision always makes it easy.  Divine provision does not mean more than enough, but enough.  The 16th chapter of Exodus tells us the story of the collection of manna in the wilderness.  The Hebrews were told to "Gather as much of it as each of you needs..."  (Exodus 16:16).  Their instructions were to gather enough for one day, not several days or for the rest of the week.  The daily provision was a reminder to them that God could be trusted for their needs today and then, one day at a time.  It is a reminder we need to hear often for it is easy for us to live as if tomorrow's provisions for life is about us and not about God's blessing.

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