Saturday, February 12, 2022

An Early Leading

It has been a long time since Asbury College.  There are a few things in my life which I believe bear the imprint of the leading of the Holy Spirit and this decision so long ago was one.  I knew, or at least sensed this in my spirit before going, but the truth is that I did not want to go.  I knew it was a college that would provide a liberal arts education and that it was also a place which provided a strong spiritual environment.  The education part sounded ok, but I was not really excited about the spiritual stuff.  

So, with all the wisdom of a twenty year old graduate of a junior college, I made my decision not to go to Asbury.    Instead I went to Georgia Southern College which is just down the road from where I now live.  It was one of the best academic quarters of my college days.  I enjoyed the courses and made an "A" on all three courses.  But, I was miserable inside.  I knew I belonged somewhere else.  I knew I was disregarding what I  believed to be the leading of God.  It was truly my "Jonah in the belly of a big fish" experience.  I knew what God wanted and chose another way.   

At the end of that Spring Quarter at Southern I put in my application to Asbury, was accepted in the summer, and went kicking and screaming that fall quarter.  I went determined to get my degree without being affected by all that spiritual stuff.  It did not happen as I planned.  It took awhile, longer than it should have, but finally like the prodigal son, I came to my senses.   It was one of those moments of leading I have been ever grateful I did not miss.  I am thankful God was patient with a young man who was convinced he knew better than God what was best for his life.  My faith journey really began in earnest in those years and even though the road I have walked has not always been the one He has laid out for me, He has been merciful, kind, forgiving, and full of grace.  Those years at Asbury were important ones for more reasons than I can list.  They shaped my life at an important time and I always look back with no regret, but only thanksgiving.  

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