Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Kingdom Work

A lot of ministry stuff is going on all around us, but like most Kingdom work it seems small in its presence and most of the time is invisible to the hurried eye.  A conversation or two in the last few days revealed a ministry of one man who is praying for the people of Ukraine and another enabled me to see a ministry of intentional encouragement taking place.  And, then there is a guy who is praying for a cancer sufferer and a group that works to make blankets to give to folks while they are receiving chemo treatment.  All around us the mustard seed work of the Kingdom of God is being done and it will most assuredly bear the fruit God had in mind when it started.    

None of these ministries require any kind of program and in most cases no funding.  Being made aware of what is going on for the sake of the Kingdom makes us wonder what it is that God is calling us to be about.  And, yes, surely His  plans for His work includes the unlikely likes of folks like you and me.  It is not enough for us to acknowledge what others are being called and enabled to do.  Instead of throwing accolades toward such faithful examples, we honor them best by looking to the Father God for our own unique instructions for Kingdom building.    

We must always remember that there is not a one of us too inconsequential to serve in this great world changing Kingdom work and neither is there anything done in His name for His purposes which is too small to be of any significance.  Jesus makes it clear that doing the big thing is not necessary to do the great thing.  Finding our place to serve Christ and one another while utilizing the gifts He has given to us in the place He has put us is never a small insignificant thing, but the thing which pushes the Kingdom of God forward in this troubled world in which we live.  

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