Monday, February 7, 2022

Every Day Blesses

Every day is a day of blessing.  Yes, everyday.  Certainly, there are some days when it seems that such a word is nothing but a lie; yet, its reality still remains.  We may have to go to the edge of the darkness which seems so pervasive, but if such a journey is what is required, then to the edges we go.  It is not the edges contains the silver lining which we are told is always in the worst of things, but that on the edge we are able to see the things which refuse to be seen in the depths of the darkness.    Being thankful in the midst of adversity is sometimes about starting where it is easiest to see and slowly moving back where the darkness is the darkest.     

Out there on the edges of our difficulties and darkness are people who care about us, people who are ready to offer prayers, and people want to give the practical expressions of kindness which is within their ability to offer.  They bless our lives even when our senses our dulled and we are ready to declare that no one cares.  Out there on the edge of our darkness the memories of better days when the darkness was not upon us linger.  Remembering them is a blessing for they connect us to the reason we prevail when we want to quit.    

But, the most important thing we are able to see on the edges of our darkness is Holy Presence.  He has not forsaken us.  Actually, He is in the midst of the deep darkness of our life working to bring us through to the place where we can see the light again, have hope once again, and know that our life is not determined or defined by the darkness in our life.  There has always been more to our living than the things which seem impossible to overcome and whatever name the current darkness bears is included in this divine reality.  Every day is a blessing because we are not alone.  God has put others in our lives to stand with us and He, too, stands there in the midst of whatever horror seems to be unfolding just as He was that day on Golgotha.  

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