Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Light Within

When it is that we begin to lose sight of the Light of life within us is hard to know.  Some might say we are born with a sense of that loss and that the Light within us is never really seen.  Others would declare that this Light which points to the essence of the Creator God is seen in the fresh new face of any infant who comes forth from the womb of conception.  Surely, reality is that we are born with the hand print, the image of the Creator, upon us and that the Light of Creation is never overcome, only diminished and obscured by our bouts the with the darkness.    

The gospel writer John speaks of this inextinguishable light as he writes in the early verses, "...without Him not one thing came into being, in Him was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."  (John 1:4-5)  And then a little further into his writing, he remembered Jesus saying, "I am the Light of the World.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."  All of these words speak of who we are, how we have been created, and something essential about our going forward from conception all the way to eternity.     

What is within us that points to the light of God, the essence of God, can never be extinguished.  No darkness can overcome it.  Our sin and disobedience may distort our vision of who we are.  It may bring us to a point of forgetfulness, but no amount of sin and no amount of spiritual amnesia has the power to take away the light of life which God has put within us from the very beginning.  We may forget that we belong to God and that we are made in His image, but it is not a forgetfulness that afflicts the mind and the Spirit of the Creator who loves us, cares for us, and who more than anything else desires to bring us home to Himself.  

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