Saturday, October 2, 2021

Life is a Circle

It is said that life is a circle.  In a moment when my brain found the neutral position today, I gave some thought to this reality.  Looking around there is the farmer who plants the grass that makes the hay that feeds the cows that birth the calves that feeds the farmer.  And, so it goes.  To look around is to see many such circles of life.  Of course, the greatest and most obvious circle is the one that begins in the darkness of the womb and ends in the darkness of the tomb.   

But, of course there is more to this story than just the darkness.  In the early verses of John's gospel there is this Word about the Light that permeates everything that is created.  "All things came into being through Him...What has come into being in Him was life, and life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, the darkness did not overcome it."  (John 1:3-5)  This Light speaks of origins and endings and moment along the way.   

The good news in all of this is that the light which shined upon us and through us in the moment of our beginning will also be shining in even greater abundance when it seems that the darkness of the tomb has prevailed.  But, in reality it will only be like evening.  The darkness may seem to be coming, but in the twinkle of any eye great glorious brilliant resurrection light will burst forth to illuminate the way home.  "Soon and very soon..." says the old song.  The light that shined on us before the first darkness will shine again after the last one.  Life is indeed a circle.

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