Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Encouraging Word

The one who speaks words of encouragement is the giver of blessings.  Each one of us who has ever heard such a word from some friend, or even from some unexpected source, knows this to be true.  When the Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy, he proved himself to be one who spoke words of encouragement as he said, ""I am reminded of your sincere faith...."  (II Timothy 1:5)  It was such a simple one, one that required little effort, but also one which no doubt put a lift in the young man's step and a spark in his spirit.    

There are folks all around us who could use such a word in these days.  Life is hard even when it is moving on Easy Street.  And the truth is that no matter how well life is going, no one minds hearing some encouraging word that has forward propelling power.  It is not always possible to pick up on someone's need for such a word so the best thing we can do is to live as one who has an encouraging spirit.    

When the encouragement comes forth in a spontaneous manner, it is going to be received as a genuine word that is not seeking to impress, but to help another along the way.  There are so many face-to-face moments afforded us to offer this act of kindness, but there are also moments for sending a note which can be held in the hand for a spell and then even longer in the heart.  As we are blessed by the encouraging words of others, so are others blessed by the ones spoken from our heart.  

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