Saturday, January 23, 2021

Walking in Sync

The walking in some days seems like not being exactly sure if the ground is steady.  But, then it is not really the ground, but the walking.  Sometimes it seems like life is being lived out of sync with everything going on around us.  And, when we start looking more closely, it often becomes apparent that we are not out of sync so much with the creation as the Creator.  As we find ourselves out of sync with the Creator, we often experience an uneasiness that penetrates into the deep places within us.    

Traditional spirituality would tell us that such is explained by the sin which we have allowed to take root in our life.  There is certainly good reason to come to such a conclusion since sin creates a break in the relationship we have with God.  But, it is not just the sin which can create the uneasiness, but also the reality of the self-deception we practice in those moments of denying that we have damaged a relationship that gives us life and purpose.     

When we come to those moments when it seems that we are out of step, out of sync, or walking in our will instead of God's will, the thing needed is some honest knee time.  To speak of knee time is to acknowledge the need for what is required of any relationship and that is honesty.  As long as we continue to walk without being real about who we are, we are destined to walk as someone we were never created to be.  We were created to live as one who is at one with the Creator and whatever is required of us to walk in such a way is always well worth the cost and effort.  God made the way for us to find that oneness through Jesus, but as freely given as it is, it still must be received through a conscious intentional decision.  

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