Wednesday, January 20, 2021

New Mercies

Every morning for over ten years I have gone to the western horizon facing kitchen window and looked out across the hay field toward the branch filled with towering trees nurtured by the fertile ground underneath them.  Even though the sun comes up on the other side of the house, there is always a light show out there to mark its rising.  Long shadows created by the house stretch out across the open field and glory unfolds from the top of the distant trees as the sun cascades over them.    

It would have seemed that after ten years there would be nothing new about the morning sight which greets me, but this morning it was so filled with what was new that it seemed like the Spirit of the Living God was out there somewhere stirring around with the light of the sun.  What immediately came to mind was a hymn sung for a lifetime.  Within it are the words, "Morning by morning, new mercies I see."  Indeed, the song "Great is Thy Faithfulness"  spoke truth on this new day.     

The morning epiphany there at the kitchen window sent a reminder of the unending and everlasting mercies of God.  My life, as is the case with your life, has been filled with His countless and often taken for granted mercies.  They do indeed abound new every morning.   It is this mercy of God which has sustained us all our days and it will be the mercy of God which will be wrapped around us all our remaining days and even beyond into eternity.   

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