Friday, January 15, 2021

In the Clouds

It first appeared like a wisp of white smoke down in the lower end of the pasture where a running stream, wet earth, and cooling air mingled one with the other.   What hardly caught the eye gathered momentum and began to work its way slowly out of the low places across the hay fields and into the lower barren branches of the pecan trees.  I found myself transformed by this great white cloud that moved along the ground enveloping everything which found itself in its path.  And, finally, I left where I was and what I was doing to step over the edge and into the swirling mist.     

There are those who can scientifically explain what was moving up the hill and there are even those weather minded folks who could have predicted it.  I took no pleasure in either, but instead found great delight in experiencing it, feeling it, breathing it, walking in it, and being a part of of this reminder of holy presence coming upon the earth.  In the briefest of moments, a weather phenomena became a moment filled with the holy and there I was standing in the midst of it.     

I thought about those ancient Hebrew wanderers who found their way by following a pillar of cloud by day (Exodus 13:21) and those disciples of Jesus who found themselves immersed in a mountain top cloud filled with the presence of Moses, Elijah, and heavenly glory (Luke 9;34).  I have always been partial to what goes on midst the clouds that touch the earth.  As a boy I figured God watched by peering over the edge of those high fluffy clouds.  As a old man who only remembers being a boy, I still find myself looking more closely at what or Who might be around when the clouds come and begin to touch the earth. One never knows what glory might be about to be revealed.  

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