Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Prevailing Church

The collective heart beat of the disciples had not even had time to return to normal before what had been birthed by the Spirit was facing controversy.  As soon as the Holy Wind had blown through the small room pushing the church out of its hiding place, critical challenging spirits spoke saying, "They (these disciples) are filled with new wine."  (Acts 2:13).  It may be true that the church has been under attack ever since that singular moment when the Holy Spirit gave birth to something never before seen, or known on the face of the earth.      

Over two thousand years have passed.  Countless controversies and heresies have sought to undermine its power and influence.  There have even been times when it was pushed underground and into the realm of invisible where it was thought to be powerless.  Despite all that has stood at the gate to destroy it, the church has prevailed without losing its unique identity and purpose in the world.    Certainly, there are times when it seems that none of this is true.  

There are times when it seems that the church has lost the battle and those who seek to change it into something other than a holy breath conceived community have proven themselves victorious.  But, before we decide to start marching to the new order which has created a community based not on the Holy Spirit, but one based on human agenda, we must pause to realize superficial trendy changes can never eradicate the church for as long as its Creator lives, what He has created will not only live, but thrive as it goes on accomplishing holy purposes.  

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