Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Holy Essence Within

When the Lord spoke through Jeremiah telling the people to seek the ancient paths where the good way lies, He did it for a not so obvious reason.  It would seem that His intent would be their escape or their deliverance from the imminent danger which was facing them, but He had something else in mind.  Instead His intent is found within the words, "...and find rest for your souls."  (Jeremiah 6:16)   It is just like our God to offer what surprises and takes us beyond what we can understand.     

Of course, it is not hard to find books which tell us everything there is to know about the soul.  The only problem is that at the end of the read we realize there is more about the soul that we do not know than we can ever know.  Like the One who gives the soul to us in the moment of conception, it is a thing of great mystery.   

 It would seem that the soul is that created part of us which bears the imprint of God; thus, there is mystery within us which will inevitably leave us with what is both undefinable and full of what cannot be known.  Whatever we might say about our soul, surely it speaks to the presence of the essence of God within us.  The restless soul can only find the peace of rest as it finds reconciliation and restoration with the Holy One who imparted the mystery from His own Mystery. 

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