Sunday, November 8, 2020

Connected to One Another

The truth is we are all connected.  We may look different, act differently under stress, embrace different value systems, and surely, we all think differently.  When God made each one of us, the mold was tossed aside.  No two of us are alike which is an amazing miracle in itself.  Yet, as different as we are, not a single one of us lives alone and disconnected from those around us.  A recent read written by a Duke theological professor points to our navel as a scar that points toward our connectedness.  From the very beginning we are connected to another and so we remain through the years of our life.    

What connects us is not the fact that we all are different, but the reality that we share a common Creator.  As surely as we breathe the air of this earth, we bear the markings of God in our life.  The Word speaks this truth as it says, "So God created humankind in His image, in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them."  (Genesis 1:27)   As we  bear the image of God so do we walk with the essence of the Creator within us.  This is not true of some of us, but all of us.  So it is with each of us.   We truly are divinely connected to one another. 

When we look at one another, we tend to see only our differences rather than the core reality which connects us and make us as brothers and sisters rather than strangers or antagonists.  As we see one another and speak silently to ourselves saying, "the essence of God is in that one," our sharply divided world begins to crumble leaving us with an awareness of what, or Who is it that connects and joins us to one another. 

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