Thursday, November 5, 2020

An End to Weariness

Today in one of those moments when my body was ready to give into the weariness, I thought of a particular verse of Scripture in which Jesus said, "Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."  (Matthew 11:29)  Of course, I know Jesus was not talking about the weariness of work, nor did He have in mind the sacks of pecans I was loading on the back of the truck for a trip to the market, but it was refreshing to think about it for a moment in such a way.  It is always easy to make the Word say something it is not saying.   

Actually, Jesus was not talking about work, but about religion.  He was talking to people who were worn out with trying to live their lives according to a man made religious system that took the life out of life.  He was talking about the way such a life seemed more like a heavy burden than something that brought joy and peace into life.  Most likely most of us have been weary and burdened with our own religious system at one time or another.   

When religion is taken too seriously, it is exhausting.   It is burdensome.  It becomes something that robs us of meaningful life.  Jesus tells us that the answer to such a problematic life is found in the rest He gives to those who choose to depend upon Him instead of a religious system.  When Jesus points the way toward a life of faith that leads us home, He points us toward a road filled with grace that allows us to find forgiveness for what is past and the freedom to experience the new day He is ready to give to us.   

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