Saturday, November 28, 2020

Glorious to Behold

Every evening there is a sunset.  Sometimes it is not visible, but there is still a moment when the sun sets on the western horizon around these parts.  But, it is never the same sunset.  I have been here now a little over ten years and while I have not noticed and seen every single sunset, I have been attentive enough in that moment of the day to know that each is unique, never before been seen, and never to be seen again.   

And what I know, too, is that this is true for all the sunsets which have graced this land that others walked before it came my turn.     It may seem that we walk alone through our days in the places that have grown familiar to us, but as our eyes are opened to invisible possibilities and unseen realities, we come to know that we are here as short timers.  The towering trees with a "thousand" years of growth rings, the rich life giving dirt underneath our feet, and the stories of those who have lived before us speak to us of our place in this ever changing world.  Even though some may live to be a hundred years old, even their life is like a fleeting moment in the span of time.  

And, yet, like the sunsets, each one of us is unique, has never before been seen, and once we are only memory, will never be seen again.  God has made us in a such a way.  We bear His imprint from the moment of our conception.  Let no one think that life is about coincidence.  Regardless of the matter in which our life began, the Father God was present to mark us as one of His treasured children.  The God of sunsets is the same God who created each one of us which surely makes us someone glorious to behold. 

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