Monday, October 26, 2020


As one who spent too many days waiting for tomorrow to come, I am grateful for the patience and the mercy of God Who continued to bless me with more days even though I often took for granted the day being given.  And as one who has sought too much after my own agenda, I am grateful for the kindness of God as He allowed me to try my own way without washing His hands of me.  And as one who has too many times been slow to forgive, I am grateful for the forgiving spirit of the Father God who never waited for me to come to my senses before offering forgiveness.    

Without God in my life all these years, I would be such an impoverished soul.  I would be so broken fixing would be impossible.  There have been many things which I have perceived as being needed in my life, but none has really been any greater than my need for God.  He has always been loving, life giving, caring, and compassionate.  He has been aware of the real needs of my life before I was able to express them.    If I should live another life time, there would not be enough time to speak the words of gratitude for His constant faithfulness and mercy. 

There are many things about this God who brought me into being and who has graciously blessed me with more days that I cannot understand, but I am more sure of the essence of who He is at this moment in my life than in those days of beginning when it seemed to me that I knew so much.  I am grateful for His love and for the way He has created me to give love to Him.  Mostly, I am just grateful.

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