Monday, October 12, 2020

A Fishy Story

When Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell of the moment when Jesus first called disciples, it sounds fishy.  It sounds fishy in that they each offer some variation of "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  (Matthew 4:19).   When John, the writer of the fourth gospel, wrote about that moment, he went in an entirely different direction.  As we read his account, we are told that John the Baptist pointed his disciples to Jesus.  In their initial encounter they asked Jesus, "Rabbi, where are you staying?"  and He replied by saying, "Come and see."  (John 1:38-39)     

These words open up new possibilities.  "Come and see" calls for a commitment to a willful choice that results in figuring it out for yourself.  It is Jesus' way of saying that listening to John the Baptist is not enough.  It may get them started in the right direction, but at some point they will have to see and know what is out there for themselves.  This call is not a call to a static life but to one that will be ever evolving into something new.    

 "Come and see where the road takes you.  Come and see where I am going.  Come and see if where I am going is where you want to go.  Come and see if you are willing to go where you cannot see."  There is a lot to hear in those three inviting words of Jesus.  As I think back to my beginning moments with Jesus, I do not think I heard everything He was saying, but I am grateful He was willing to take me on the journey, nonetheless.  His grace and my choice has made all the difference!

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