Saturday, October 17, 2020

One Day of Trouble

Some days seem full of trouble.   Some days seem so full of trouble that the foot gets almost too heavy to lift.  Going on can get tough, but then the hard journey can also remind us of something Jesus said in the section of Scripture known as the Sermon on the Mount.  In the 6th chapter we hear Him saying, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.  Today's trouble is enough for today."  (Matthew 6:25, 34)  Jesus never promised us a day empty of trouble, but instead, He keeps reminding us in different ways to stay inside the present moment that He has given us.    

There is no question about our tendency to borrow trouble from tomorrow which makes the load for today even heavier.  As one more acquainted with trouble than we often think, Jesus knew that one day's trouble was enough for any shoulders, or heart.  And while it is not always easy to lay down the thoughts of trouble lurking beyond the horizon, there is no question that it is the sensible things to do.    

When our troubled spirits become obsessed with tomorrow's trouble, we lose our ability to focus on what confronts us in the today part of our life.  We end up failing ourselves and those who share the trouble with us.  But, perhaps, the greatest failure present in the loss of focus is the one which speaks of not trusting God.  He knows what is up the road beyond the reach of our vision and He already has a plan in place to keep us moving toward home.  Jesus' words in that Sermon remind us to stay in the present so we can know the future He is preparing for us.

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