Sunday, October 4, 2020

Being Stuck

Anyone who has had a song get stuck in their brain in the morning to the point that it ended up being sung silently a hundred times during the day can understand how a piece of the Word of God can get stuck and remembered in much the same manner.  The image John created of Jesus being "full of grace and truth"  (John 1:14) has become a most recent personal illustration of this phenomena.  Every time my thought process moves into neutral, this image has had a way of returning.  Sometimes I wonder.  Is this just a function of the brain, or could it be a prompting of the Spirit to pay attention to what might not being seen?    

There is every reason to think it is sign that the Spirit is working.  According to the Words of Jesus, the Spirit "...will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you....He will guide you into all truth..."  (John 14:26, 16:13)  For those of us who are slow learners, the Spirit surely understands that some of us need to stay at the learning post longer than others and so He puts this Word in our mind until we have had some time with it.    

The truth is that there is always something new to learn about any portion of the Holy Word.  Not only is it divinely inspired, but that inspiration passed through the filters of knowledge and life experiences with which God has blessed us.  When we come to a place of figuring that we have it all figured out, we are further from the truth of God than we could possibly imagine.  There is ample room in all our lives for the times of pondering and wondering which enable us to be led into a new understanding of what the Spirit is seeking to say to us in the world which is a part of our present moment.

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