Monday, September 28, 2020

The Invisible One

The pecans are starting to drop on the ground here at the farm.  Most folks only know pecans as a brown oblong nut, but the first evidence of the pecan on the tree is way back in the Spring when the leaves start showing up and tiny pods begin to grow.  No bigger than a pea, each one contains the genesis of one of those brown pecans.  All year the pecan is hidden from sight, slowly getting bigger, and offering a promise of a harvest.  Before they begin their journey to the ground each pecan is tightly enclosed in a thick green hull which by the middle of August becomes hard enough that a pocket knife will no longer cut through it.   As the right time, the green hull begins to open allowing the pecan to escape to the ground.    

What has been present but invisible has been out there for most of this year and now as its time has come, what has been invisible is now becoming visible.  Making the invisible visible is simply a normal part of God's creation.  He does it with pecans.  He does it with calves in the pasture waiting to be made visible in December.  He does it with cooler winds lurking somewhere in the northern regions.  He even does it with people like you and me who are now visible, but once lived invisible within the darkness of the womb.    

The Word of God speaks a Word about all this as it says, "Ever since the creation of the world His eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things He has made."  (Romans 1:20)   The Word of God does not just come to us through the visible written Word that we know as Holy Scripture, but also through the things which are visible around us and which speak silently of the One who lingers invisibly within the realm of the creation.  All we need are eyes to see what cannot be seen and ears to hear the Words not spoken with a voice.

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