Monday, September 21, 2020

The Holy Wind

Sometime during the night the wind swept in and over this place and filled it with the sounds of rambunctious noises.  Watching out the window things looked rather peaceful with the pecan tree branches doing a slow dance in the wind, but once outside it was obvious what appeared to be was not exactly what was happening.  The trees in the branch down below the hayfield were filled with such a force of wind that it brought to mind the words in Acts which spoke of "...a sound like the rush of a violent wind..."   (Acts 2:1) 

The imagery of the wind being the Spirit of God has always been one which stirs our imagination, reveals to us something of God's holy work, and inspires "young men to see visions and the old men to dream dreams."  On windy days like this one there is a sense of something new in the air.  It is not just that the oppressive heat has been replaced by breezes that cool, but the hope which is stirring in the air as well.  Hope is life giving.  It rejuvenates a weary body and causes eyes to be cast forward into the future which is opening up out there just beyond the stirring wind. 

The wind in the air is like the Wind of the Spirit.  It comes with baptizing power.  To stand in the wind is to feel its power, it is to feel its newness, and it is to feel its energy.  It is no different with the coming and arriving Spirit.  To walk mindful of His presence is like an immersion that baptizes us and fills us with new life.  It is a marvelous gift that He bestows upon us.  Come,  Holy Spirit, and bless us that we might know what it is to walk in the moving part of the creation that You are sending into and over our lives.

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