Monday, September 7, 2020

The Faithfulness of God

When I went to Asbury College long days ago as a very young man, I was introduced to a lot of Christian music which did not make it to the Methodist Hymnal.  So many of those songs which became a part of my life during those years have stayed with me during the course of my life.  One of those songs was written by Thomas O. Chisholm from Franklin, Kentucky and carries with it the refrain, "Great is Thy faithfulness.  Morning by morning new mercies I see.  All I have needed Thy hands have provided, great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."   
As I was walking through the evening as it was drawing near, this refrain came from somewhere within and soon I was humming and whistling and then singing the words as I moved toward the house.  A little research revealed an interesting tidbit of information about the hymn.  When Chisholm wrote it, he wanted to express the reality that God's faithfulness was not just experienced in the extraordinary life changing moments of life, but in the every day circumstances that make up its ordinariness. 
Such is indeed true about the faithfulness of God.  It comes every day as surely as the sun rises in the morning and with the same certainty as the air that we breathe.  God's faithfulness is unquestionable and ever present.  While it is true that we sometimes become so pre-occupied with the difficulties of life that we wonder about the faithfulness of God, it is still poured out from the heart of God into our lives.  Every day and in every circumstance God is faithful.  Nothing changes this gift with which He gifts us every day.  All that is left for us to do is to pay attention to it coming and respond with the deepest gratitude. 

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