Saturday, January 11, 2020

In the Presence

Anyone who stands in the presence of the Light of the World is risking exposure.  Some, like Nicodemus, have tried to hide in the darkness, but it was no hiding place.  Jesus saw him, recognized him, and then spoke directly to the hidden part of his heart.  The same is true of the Samaritan woman.  Of course, she came into the presence of Jesus, in the brightest part of the day.  Even then, she tried to hide behind protocols of culture and religious differences.  And, who can overlook Zacchaeus, the small man who tried hiding in a tree.  Jesus did not overlook him.  He looked up and invited Himself to dinner.
It is understandable that we would want to lurk in the shadows when we find ourselves in the light of truth which has come into the world through Jesus Christ.  There is something about His presence which penetrates the darkest sins and brings to the surface the most hidden secrets. At the end of the second chapter of John there is a verse which reveals a disturbing word about Jesus.  In those final words it is written, "..for He (Jesus) Himself knew what was in everyone."  (John 2:25)  The wedding ritual used over years affirms this truth as it says, "before whom the secrets of all hearts are disclosed."

It is disturbing, uncomfortable, and painful to have the inner motives, attitudes, and spirits lurking in our heart exposed.  But, when in His presence there is no hiding place.  So, why would anyone choose to stand in the presence of this One who creates such discomfort?  We make the choice because the darkness within is suffocating, it destroys life, it takes away hope.  To stand in presence of the Light of the World is the only place where we can confront our own sins and find divine grace that brings the assurance of forgiveness and living that no longer requires looking over the shoulder at the past. 

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