Wednesday, January 1, 2020


As the calendar turns its page to the first month of the new year, it is not uncommon for folks to spend some time looking back with a spirit of reflection while others are guided into what is ahead by their resolutions.  It is a moment for standing at a temporal junction between what is behind and what is ahead.  Such a moment is spoken of as a threshold in the stream of Celtic spirituality.   In this tradition thresholds moments are moments ripe for blessings to be given.   Thresholds moments are moments for prayers to be prayed for the journey into whatever is ahead.

Such is where we stand on this first day of the year.  It is also where all those around us are standing.  Even though we may never leave the place we call home, we are all venturing forth on an unknown journey in the days which are ahead.  What we often fail to realize is that the journey which is out there ahead of us will take us into unknown territory.  The destination cannot be defined or seen.  It is a journey to wherever.  And if we are seeking to live according to faith in Christ, it is a journey to wherever Christ chooses to lead us.  When we choose to walk ahead with Christ as our guide, the only thing we can carry with us is our trust. 

As we pray for one another in these days, prayers for the journey ahead are more than appropriate.  We can pray that those around us would be blessed with courage, vision, wisdom, and most of all, trust in the One who leads.  "Bless now, Holy Father, those who read these words with a warm embracing light.  Bless now, Son of God, those who read these words with hearts that are open to all who are put before them.  Bless now, Holy Spirit, those who read these words with others whose hearts are filled with holy presence.  Bless now, Father, Son, and Spirit those who read these words with all those spiritual blessings necessary for the journey."

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