Friday, January 25, 2019

Thin Places

While I recognize that for some it borders on going off the deep end and to others somewhat ridiculous, the further I go along, the more I am convinced of those "thin places" which are set forth for consideration in Celtic spirituality.  Before anyone moves on to what is deemed more relevant subjects, hang in there for still another moment.  A long time ago I ran into an awareness of how there are moments when it seems like the veil between here and there, earth and heaven, is paper thin and I first started pointing to it around the table where the Holy Meal was served.
The Biblical witness does nothing to turn us away from such a possibility, or, perhaps, the better and stronger word is reality.  Jesus did encounter Moses and Elijah on the Mt. of Transfiguration and it was not just a vision for his eyes as Peter, James, and John witnessed their presence as well.  And as we read the account of the days around the birth of Jesus, there is Biblical evidence of angels coming and going.  Daniel also had a visitor in the here part of his life who came from the there part.  Maybe we are afraid to open the door to the possibility that there are moments when the great cloud of heavenly witnesses wanders more closely than normal to side where we are.  Or, maybe it us who does the wandering.
There are many things in life which seem less plausible than our being aware of the spiritual world of the Kingdom of God breaking into the realm in which we live on this earth.  Does it matter?  Maybe not.  But, then if those moments of sensing the presence of those gone before us happens, could it not be that it is happening for some holy God ordained purpose?  There are many things about the reality of the spiritual realm which is all around us that I do not understand, but the longer I go in this physical realm the more it seems that there are moments when the holy breaks in this ordinary life we mortals live. 

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