Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Reaching Out

What we never know is the rippling effect some act of kindness or some act of ministry might cast out into the future.  I know this to be true as I remember the influencers from my past.  When I have expressed appreciation to someone from the past who touched my life, they often respond with an incredulous look which is something I can certainly understand.  Most of us are surprised when someone from our past starts telling us how our life impacted theirs in a positive way for Christ.   
What makes it surprising is the way the most insignificant moments, or at least so they might seem to us, are used by Christ to accomplish something we never would have thought possible.  Some of the people who have impacted my life I have been able to speak with gratitude, but far too many slipped away into eternity before I got around to understanding just how important they were in my journey toward God.  There are some things we wish we could do over and certainly having an opportunity to speak words of thanksgiving when we failed to do so would be high on our list.
But, then there is this moment.  It is not yet gone.  And there are still people out there who might find great encouragement in a word from us which would let them know they are remembered with thanksgiving.  It need not be a shotgun approach which have us out there trying to find everyone who might have touched our life.  A good place to begin would be in asking God to bring to mind people to whom we should reach out for He knows better than we about the circumstances of their lives and the way such a word from us might make all the difference in their making it.

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