Thursday, August 30, 2018

Changing Seasons

There is a stillness that speaks of anticipation of things to come.  Hardly a breath of air is moving.  The hanging pecan limbs are stilled in their gentle dancing.  The fields now are stripped of the waving green sea of grass.  Only the dry brown remains now cover the barren ground.  Once more the second cutting of hay is waiting for the baler.  The cows stop their grazing with the smell of freshly cut hay in the air and with longing stand at the fence.  Though summer has not yet turned lose of the earth, the signs all around speak of another season waiting to come.
Slowly the seasons change.  They never do so in a hurry.  It is like that with our life.  One moment we are in the midst of the season of the middle years and in a quick moment autumn seems to be edging over the horizon.  In much the same manner, it seems that there are seasons in our spiritual life.  There is a season of beginning.  There is a season of going and doing.  There is a season of being mentored and mentoring, of being encouraged and encouraging.  There is a season of stillness and being.  There is an ebb and flow in this journey of faith.  Hardly do we realize exactly where we are before we are on our way to still another time God has prepared for us.
We often want everyone to be in the same place we are and we are tempted in those moments of thinking that being where we are is where everyone needs to be.  But, it never works that way.  God is the One who is the Season Changer.  He holds them back at times and lets the change of another to come.  "There is a season for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)

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