Thursday, March 29, 2018

Uncomfortable in the Presence

After the meal, Jesus led His disciples out of the room made holy by broken bread and poured out wine.  The meal shared was the Passover, but before it was over Jesus took bread and wine and pointed them toward the sacrifice He was going to make for them before the next sun had set.  Of course, they missed what He was saying to them.  As Luke tells the story, they were still arguing about who among them was the greatest.  On to the Mount of Olives went Jesus with the disciples trailing along behind Him, still grumbling.  While He prayed with every ounce of energy in His soul, the disciples fell asleep.  As He woke them, Judas and the soldiers came and the ordeal of Good Friday began.
The church has through the centuries remembered the events of this day known as Maundy Thursday through worship services, enactments of some of the events, and the sharing of Holy Communion.  It is a day rich in liturgical possibilities and one that can easily overwhelm the senses of anyone who comes with a mind and heart that is open to what God has done for us through His Son.  One of the events often experienced is the Stripping of the Sanctuary, a moment where all liturgical symbols are removed as darkness settles over the Sanctuary.  It is not uncommon to hear the sounds of weeping as the darkness comes and the awareness of what Christ has done for us begins to soak into the soul.
Sometimes we want to run from strange worship services that we do not understand, or that are not a part of the way we normally worship.  It is unfortunate that some stay away from such services because it makes them uncomfortable.  Being uncomfortable in the presence of a working Holy Spirit should not be a surprise.  It should be expected.  Who among us should not be uncomfortable in the powerful presence of the Holy?

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