Saturday, March 24, 2018

Discard Coincidences

If we want to experience God daily in the ordinary moments of life, then we must discard the possibilities of coincidences.  After all, do we believe in coincidence, or do we believe in God?  Is life about chance and whimsical circumstance, or is it about a divine Spirit who leads us into the future God has planned for us?  If there is room for coincidence in our life, then we have made the mistake of those ancient Hebrews who tried to worship at two altars.  It is always one or the other.
Coincidences are not discarded as a matter of logical thinking, but as something which is worked out quietly over a long period of time in the moments when we sit silently with God.  In such moments we begin to understand that God is about some important stuff in our world and for some strange reason He has chosen to partner with folks who are no more dependable than you and me.  Not only does He desire us as partners in holy work, but He longs for us to daily make ourselves available to Him for whatever it is that He would choose for the two of us to  do.
When we intentionally declare ourselves available for whatever it is that He wants to do with us and through us, we start seeing life unfolding before us in a powerfully different way.  We find ourselves walking into moments when it is clear that we are being given the opportunity to  make a difference in some situation or in someone's life.  Sometimes this reality is experienced as we become the one who does whatever it is that He wants done and sometimes we find that we have become the recipient of some act of kindness another is being led to offer.  God does not engineer coincidences, He puts people together in such a way that a holy moment is experienced.  Watch for them.  And, walk into them.

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