Monday, May 4, 2020

Watch out for Snakes

A few years ago a family from New Hampshire became our nearest neighbors. Of course, nearest is relevant.  Their house is actually across a five acre hay field, on the other side of the branch, and through the woods which puts them about a half mile away.  Their house is slightly visible only when winter strips the trees of any hint of foliage.  The other day their children found some wild blackberries growing up a piece from their house.  A little later one of them showed up with his Dad to bring  us a container filled with ready to eat, delicious blackberries.  Unknown to them they not only brought blackberries, but they also brought a memory.
When I was a little younger than they are now, my mother would take me and my sister out in the country to visit uncles and aunts.  Just before we got to the old Strickland  home place, we would often stop and pick blackberries growing on the fence row next to the dirt road.  When we got out of the car to pick, she would always say, "Ya'll watch out for snakes now."  It is kinda hard to pick blackberries while watching for snakes, but we still managed to pick enough for eating then and a pie later.
When she told us, "Ya'll watch out for snakes now," she taught us a life lesson.  The letter Paul wrote to the Roman Christians says it with different words as it says, "...evil lies close at hand..."  (Romans 7:21)  As wonderful as is the creation and as marvelous is life, neither is empty of danger, temptations to make wrong choices, and things that threaten our existence.  Neither my Mother nor the Word of God say a word contrary to this truth.  Some things just happen.  A peaceful walk in the woods can end up with a tree limb breaking and falling upon us.  Midst bright sunny days tornadoes come and go.  When we least expect it, the evil one shows up to push us away from the walk of faith.  The good news is that a light has come into the world through Jesus Christ and no darkness can stand with lasting power against it. (John 1:5) 

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